Re: Windows 95 Espionage ( ?? )

Christopher D. Heer (
Wed, 7 Jun 1995 07:51:22 -0700

On Tue, 6 Jun 1995, George Mullins wrote:

> Bernd Lehle writes:
>  > Can anybody confirm this ? A little late for April Fool's Day... :-)
> A number of folks have confirmed this by "snooping" the modem
> connection while running the "registration wizard".  It does NOT seem
> to interrogate every system on your network, but it does send a
> complete directory listing of the system it is run on.
> Prodigy was sued for this and lost!

It's this sort of misinformation that makes me wonder if lists like this
are really worth it.

In the first place, Prodigy did not lose a suit over this.  The Prodigy
thing was, in fact, completely different.  They were allocating temp file
space on PCs without wiping the space first, so whatever deleted junk was
hanging about ended up in the file.  Someone went poking through their
file, found old Quicken data, etc., and panicked.

In the second place, where is your source for the directory listing?  With
the exception of hysterical posts here, I've seen *no* confirmation that
it sends *anything* other than what it says it sends.

Christopher D. Heer|He's back and it's about time! Dr. Who, coming to FOX! |GCS  d++ H- s:+ g? p1 au++ a- w+ v++ C+++ S++++ P+ L 3
Not just cheer. . .|     E--- N++ K+++ W+ M+ V-- -po+ Y+ t+ 5 jx R G''''
all tempa-cheer!   |     tv+ b+++ D+ B e+ u--- h---- f+ r+++ n---- y++++